DQ Marine
ISO 9001-2008 Company | 7x24Hrs Service
Shipbuilding Equipment,Machienry and Consumables Supplies
Round Shank Hall Type Stockless Anchor
Marine Stockless Anchor
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Round Shank Hall Type Stockless Anchor:
China Round Shank Hall Type Stockless Anchor:

Hall Anchor Type B is round shank stockless anchor, good quality and easy for use, please contact us for inquiry.

Round Shank Hall Type Stockless Anchor Weight

Nominal Weight
H h h1 L L1 B1
40 557 303 67 430 303 198
60 637 347 76 492 347 227
100 760 410 90 584 410 270
125 814 443 97 629 443 290
150 866 470 103 670 470 308
180 919 500 110 710 500 327
240 1019 552 121 784 552 361
300 1095 595 130 844 595 388
360 1160 632 138 910 632 412
420 1222 660 145 946 660 434
480 1282 700 154 1000 700 460
570 1355 732 161 1042 732 481
660 1422 769 169 1096 769 506
780 1506 820 180 1170 820 540
900 1580 855 188 1220 855 560
1020 1645 885 194 1260 885 580
1140 1705 926 2063 1319 916 605
1290 1778 965 211 1374 965 630
1440 1844 1001 219 1430 1001 655
1590 1906 1035 226 1475 1035 677
1740 1966 1070 234 1520 1070 700
1920 2031 1104 241 1560 1104 722
2100 2093 1120 245 1560 1120 732
2280 2150 1162 255 1657 1165 763
2460 2207 1200 263 1710 1200 788
2640 2259 1222 263 1730 1222 796
2850 2318 1253 271 1787 1253 822
3060 2374 1275 280 1820 1275 836
3300 2432 1317 288 1880 1317 862
3540 2480 1345 294 1920 1345 880
3780 2547 1376 302 1965 1376 902
4050 2610 1406 309 2008 1406 924
4320 2695 1435 316 2051 1435 943
4590 2712 1465 322 2093 1465 962
4890 2769 1498 329 2135 1498 984
5000 2800 1510 332 2156 1510 992
5610 2899 1569 345 2234 1569 1031
6000 2965 1610 354 2290 1610 1056
6450 3037 1644 361 2340 1644 1080
6900 3100 1681 369 2393 1681 1105
7350 3100 1688 370 2400 1688 1109
7800 3235 1750 385 2493 1752 1152
8300 3363 1788 393 2545 1788 1176
8500 3355 1800 395 2565 1800 1184
9300 3430 1850 417 2632 1850 1226
9900 3510 1896 417 2699 1896 1248
10500 3571 1934 425 2752 1934 1273
11100 3638 1970 433 2803 1970 1297
11700 3702 2005 441 2853 2005 1320
12300 3764 2039 448 2901 2039 1342
12900 3824 2072 455 2947 2072 1363
13500 3882 2104 462 2992 2104 1384
14100 3939 2135 469 3036 2135 1404
14700 3994 2165 476 3078 2165 1424
15400 4056 2199 483 3126 2199 1446
16100 4117 2232 490 3173 2232 1468
16900 4184 2268 498 3225 2268 1492
17800 4252 2308 506 3281 2308 1518
18800 4330 2350 516 3341 2350 1546
20000 4420 2399 526 3411 2399 1578
21500 4528 2458 539 3494 2458 1617
23000 4631 2514 551 3573 2514 1654
24500 4730 2568 563 3649 2568 1689
26000 4825 2619 574 3722 2619 1723
27500 4916 2668 585 3792 2668 1756
29000 5004 2716 595 3860 2716 1787
31000 5126 2774 609 3949 2774 1822
33000 5234 2833 622 4032 2833 1860
35500 5363 2903 637 4132 2903 1906
38500 5510 2982 655 4245 2982 1958
42000 5672 3070 674 4370 3070 2015
46000 5847 3165 695 4505 3165 2078

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Tel: 0086-23-68428422/68428422/68428422

Fax: 0086-23-68428422/68428422/68428422

Email: sales@dqmarine.com

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