DQ Marine
ISO 9001-2008 Company | 7x24Hrs Service
Shipbuilding Equipment,Machienry and Consumables Supplies
AC-14 Type Full Balance Stockless Anchor
Marine High Holding Power Anchor
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AC-14 Type Full Balance Stockless Anchor:
China AC-14 Type Full Balance Stockless Anchor:

AC-14 Type Full Balance Anchor is high holding power balance anchor, please contact us for more details.

Anchor Dimension and Weight

Nominal Weight
75 550 326 350 606 188 185 115 24
100 607 380 385 704 207 200 130 28
120 635 380 402 704 217 215 145 32
180 742 442 470 822 254 252 160 36
225 828 495 525 915 283 277 175 40
250 828 495 525 915 283 280 175 40
300 882 525 559 975 301 298 192 45
340 918 548 582 1015 313 310 215 48
360 918 548 582 1015 313 313 215 48
430 990 590 628 1098 339 336 215 48
495 1025 610 650 1135 350 348 235 50
585 1102 658 699 1220 376 375 235 50
675 1152 690 731 1278 394 390 255 60
765 1205 718 764 1335 411 408 255 60
855 1250 745 793 1385 427 420 280 62
970 1200 775 826 1445 444 440 280 62
1080 1350 808 855 1495 461 455 280 62
1200 1400 835 887 1545 478 470 310 68
1305 1440 858 913 1595 492 485 310 68
1440 1486 885 943 1645 507 505 310 68
1575 1534 915 972 1695 523 518 340 74
1710 1575 940 998 1756 538 532 340 74
1745 1616 962 1025 1785 552 546 340 74
1980 1650 985 1048 1830 564 560 380 82
2100 1686 1005 1070 1865 575 570 380 82
2295 1738 1035 1102 1920 593 588 380 82
2475 1780 1062 1128 1970 607 602 385 82
2655 1720 1085 1155 2018 621 615 385 82
2835 1862 1109 180 2057 635 625 410 90
3040 1896 1130 1204 2100 646 640 410 90
3550 2030 1198 1284 2225 693 680 415 100
3940 2080 1240 1318 2300 709 705 150 100
4500 2170 1295 1376 2405 741 735 150 100
4870 2225 1330 1410 2465 760 755 180 110
5175 2275 1358 1443 2520 777 770 180 110
5610 2339 1396 1483 2590 798 790 500 110
6000 2390 1426 1515 2646 816 810 500 110
6225 2420 1443 1534 2678 826 820 540 117
6525 2450 1462 1554 2712 836 830 540 117
6975 2507 1496 1589 2775 855 8948 580 121
7350 2560 1526 1622 2832 873 866 580 121
7875 2610 1558 1655 2890 891 884 600 130
8325 2662 1590 1689 2950 909 902 600 130
8775 2707 1614 1715 2996 924 916 630 135
9300 2765 1652 1754 3064 945 936 640 140
9675 2805 1674 1778 3104 957 948 640 140
10125 2850 1700 1806 3152 972 960 640 140
10575 2880 1720 1827 3192 984 976 660 145
11025 2930 1750 1859 3247 1001 990 660 145
11700 2987 1782 1894 3308 1019 1010 700 155
12075 3010 1800 1906 3343 1027 1020 700 155
12675 3065 1812 1945 3364 1047 1028 700 155
13350 3132 1870 1986 3470 1069 1060 700 155
14100 3178 1896 2015 3520 1084 1076 730 160
14700 3228 1924 2045 3570 1099 1090 730 160
15400 3272 1954 2075 3626 1117 1108 770 170
16100 3320 1980 2110 3680 1132 1125 770 170
16900 3350 2000 2126 3720 1144 1144 770 170
17250 3380 2016 2142 3740 1151 1144 770 170
17800 3440 2050 2180 3806 1173 1162 800 180
18800 3500 2088 2220 2875 1193 1185 800 180
20000 3573 2132 2265 3956 1220 1210 820 185
25000 4100 2437 2600 4577 1399 1375 880 200
30000 4358 2888 2765 4663 1484 1380 940 210

How to Order?

1. Please inform us the model, type or size you need.

2. Please inform us the quantity to make the best price for you.

3. Shipment Model: Air or Sea shipment.

4. Special requirement if any.

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we would revert with you within 24 hours.

We'll never share your email with anyone else.
Please send the specification, quantity, class certificate or other information.


Tel: 0086-23-68428422/68428422/68428422

Fax: 0086-23-68428422/68428422/68428422

Email: sales@dqmarine.com

  • Class Certificate of
  • dnvgl
  • bureauveritas
  • Lloyd's Register
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