1. Fluorescent lights are suitable to usein circuit of AC, the voltage rating is 220V or 110V, the frequency is 50Hz or60Hz.2. The protection class: IP20, IP22, IP34,IP44, IP55, IP56, IP67, IP68 3. The lights don’t match with fluorescent tubeand emergency bulb, if need, please order separately.4. The light can match emergency lampholder, protective guard, and Auto-emergency battery for tube or bulb, andshock absorption. So when order, please add some letter after type: E meansemergency lamp holder, F means protective guard, EF means both emergency lampholder and protective guard, EZF means automatic emergency battery for bulb andprotective guard, EZFJ means automatic emergency battery for tube, protectiveguard and shock absorption, GFJ means automatic emergency battery for tube,protective guard and shock absorption.